Write for Us + Artificial Intelligence

Contribute for Us – “Write for Us”+ Artificial Intelligence (AI)

You have liked reading our articles, now you can write them too!! We have good news for all those young and enthusiastic writers and readers out there. We at futuristicai are trying to put your knowledge into good use by posting informative content that you would write for our blog. In return to every post you can gain some returns as well!! Keep reading to know more.

The world of AI technology is continuously evolving, and so are we. At Artificial Intelligence Contribute, we are committed to providing high-quality AI-related resources to our readers and aspiring writers. For over two years, we have consistently delivered informative content on a wide array of topics, including AI software, AI applications, AI gadgets, AI trends, AI prompt engineering, AI news, AI tools, AI algorithms and other AI-related updates.

We are now offering you the opportunity to contribute content on any of these subjects. Please visit the contact us page and submit your contact details, so we can discuss how you can start writing for us.

How does Guest Posting Help You Gain Popularity?

You might be knowing about guest posting, but for all the newcomers here’s what it is all about. As the name says, guest posting is the term used for articles written by writers related to a particular field for other websites for better visibility. These writeups boost your website’s SEO using generated backlinks on your keywords. You can submit the articles you write on CONTRIBUTE FOR US – “WRITE FOR US” + TECH which later gets published on the site in a few hours.

Your Guest Post Or Articles Get Approved – What Next?

Once we receive your tech related article, we review and approve it, make some changes if needed, process its publishing and update you in a few hours. We will publish your article, share it on social media giving due credits to the writer.

Attributes of a Professional Guest Blogger?

Most successful guest bloggers use the following methods of professional writing

  • Write authentic content: Writing high quality, original and immersive content is very important to grow as a professional writer. Your content should be relevant to the reader’s needs and attract their attention. For better understanding of the subject we recommend you to visit our website and read related topics posted there.
  • Reader friendliness: Engage with your readers by responding to their comments and suggestions. Stay connected with your followers and be approachable whenever needed to gain popularity as a blogger. 

Our Basic Guidelines for Contributing Us

1.We accept a minimum of 1000 words of content.
2. Maximum 2 links will be provided to your website. Make sure you are adding links to quality and secured websites.
3. Write unique and quality content that adds value to the readers.
4. Your article can’t be published elsewhere after we publish it on FuturisticAI.net.
5. It is necessary to use high-quality images that should be royalty-free and credit the source of the content.
6. Make sure content should be spelling and grammar errors free and also free of plagiarism.
7. Content must be SEO optimized and properly formatted.
8. Avoid using AI-generated content.


Please read our guidelines and explore our website before submitting your article. We accept only AI-related articles. 

How to Submit an Article?

Once you have finished writing your article, contact us through our contact page or email us directly with our content page. Your article will be published within 24 hours after submission if it is approved.

We appreciate your interest in writing content and would love to hear from you.  We hope that you will find our article submission process easy and straightforward. Thank you for adding your valuable time in content sharing with us. We would like to use your knowledge and experience to grow our website and inturn let you gain the benefits out of it.

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